Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Please Join Us - Make 2013 Your Year

Click here for details and registration information.

Come to Huston Camp & Conference Center in Gold Bar, WA, for spiritual growth, friendship and the beauty of the outdoors. At this year's retreat, April 26 through 28, 2013, we’ll spend time considering the spiritual gifts God has given each of us. We’ll explore how to use these gifts to serve God while promoting joy in our lives. And we’ll begin to uncover the answer to the question, “What if every woman at Holy Cross were working in her giftedness?”

Our speaker, Jan Dwyer Bang, is founder of Boundless Results, a training, speaking, consulting and coaching business where she helps people make leaps forward in the areas of leadership, service, teambuilding and communication. Jan is currently enrolled at Western Seminary, where she is pursuing a Masters in the coaching program. While she travels nationally as a professional speaker and coach for major corporations in the secular world, Jan’s passion is to share the joy of walking with the Lord daily. She is a contributor to Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul 2.

For details and registration information, please click here, or contact Karen Orr at korrnut79@hotmail.com.

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