Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Save the Date!

During the next couple of months we'll be building our blog, as we count the weeks and days until our fabulous weekend in April. This year, something new: TWO NIGHTS! If you can stay only one night that's okay, but if you'd like to revel in female fellowship for the whole weekend, here's your chance.

We'll be posting photos and reviews from previous retreats. In the meantime, we're asking those of you who have attended in the past to give newcomers a taste of what's to come.

PLEASE USE THE COMMENT SCREEN to tell us the most memorable feature of your last retreat. Was it the snow falling in the forest? Singing around the fireplace? A talk or a teaching? Sharing a room with a buddy? Please give those of us who've never attended a reason to come this year.

Ready, set, go...


  1. I've got to say that the view from the dining hall is high on my list of favorites. That, and the fact that the meals are PREPARED. Every woman has to appreciate being served a hot meal – with no cleanup!

  2. I walked the labyrinth last year and found it a great centering experience. I love all of the beautiful natural experiences that Camp Huston offers.

  3. I have two favorite sounds of the Women's Retreat... ONE fills the room every year on Friday evening around 6:30pm: women chattering & laughing & releasing joy, relief, hope at finally getting away. It's a gorgeous song. THE OTHER comes early Saturday morning when I rise while most are still sleeping & I sneak around to a quiet spot to pray. It's that tucked-in-the-woods, silence ringing in the ears kind of hum. - Kim Eichner

  4. My favorite memory of the Women's Retreat was sitting in front of the fire sipping a cup of tea and talking with the ladies. Sometimes in my day to day busyness I don't take time for quiet, for sharing and connection. - Cindy Duppong

  5. Its amazing in such a short time you can filter out the noise of everyday life, relax, and center yourself. One of the nicest memories I have is walking the trail towards the falls with a group of women, and the meaningful conversations. The setting couldn't be more ideal.

  6. Great idea to have a blog leading up to the retreat! My first trip was last year, and I loved being able to spend time with people that I've seen in church but never really got to know.
