Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cyndi McLafferty, Retreat Leader

Cyndi is a volunteer leader, teacher and facilitator for The Lazarus Center in Ambridge, Pennsylvania. The Lazarus Center serves a distressed region in which steel-mill closures have relegated 20% of the population to a place below the poverty level. Through the Lazarus Center, Cyndi leads the Freedom in Christ retreats held annually in southwestern Pennsylvania. Cyndi also is a member of Bridgeway Church in Ambridge.

Cyndi partnered with Kim and Jim Eichner in leading a series of Freedom in Christ (FIC) retreat weekends while the Eichners attended seminary in Pennsylvania. FIC retreats are designed to get to the heart of the matter of our freedom in Christ, allowing us to release the bonds that keep us from such freedom. Cyndi’s teachings at our 2011 Close to You Women’s Retreat at Camp Huston are based significantly on the FIC retreats.